Instructions from the general
I'm the confused one scratching my chin
The Channel Swim "WHY?"
The 1st reason
Last year in September my brother must have been bored at work and got hold of me at the office and asked,
“Hey Graeme, how about doing something interesting next year?”
I said
“okay what is it”
“How about we swim the channel!!”
“Are you nuts, what drugs have you been on?”
That was the beginning of a conversation that was to change the way my summer for 2008 panned out, much to the disgust of a few friends and much to the detriment of my socialising but hey looking at the summer so far, I suppose it is not a bad thing.
After this conversation, I started to think about where I was in life and that I was a bit overweight: clinically obese according to my doctors. At that time I was training about 10 km a week and the nurse didn’t quite know how to break the news to me about the above fact.
I was also suffering from lower back trouble and it was really annoying me, thanks to the desk job!!!!!
I am the sort of person who cannot just go to the gym so I figured that if I wanted to tone up a bit and strengthen my body in general, this might be a good plan.
The 2nd reason
The other reason I am doing this is the fact that I will be able to raise some money for the desperate people of a country that has been torn apart by a dictator. With unemployment at about 90% and life expectancy in the mid-thirties, the country has gone from being one of the fastest growing economies in Africa in the 1990s, to having the highest inflation of any country in the world, currently sitting at 1 400 000%.
From breadbasket to basket case all in the space of 10 short years.
This country is
Even for the extremely wealthy, the everyday things like going to the shop to buy milk, bread, meat, eggs, butter, vegetables, fuel. Being able to have a romantic dinner with electric lights as opposed to candles, or just have electricity for more than about 2 hours a day is only a distant memory
Butterfly training
Monday, 28 July 2008
2nd Mammoth weekend in Dover
back at work after another mammoth weekend. Same story - arrived at Dover, except this time my brother,Spencer (He soon adopted the nickname Pygmy Hippo) had come down with me as he is going to Buddy swim with me for some of my trip across to France. After Introductions it was suggested that I do a 7 hour paddle as they may bring my swim forward. The conditions were perfect and not to sunny.
Pygmy Hippo swam for the first two hours (good on him, he has never done a 2 hour swim before) then hopped out whilst I carried on Ploughing the lengths of the Harbour and then on my 7th hour I had slowed down enough so Pygmy Hippo joined me for the last hour. I congratulate him on doing three hours in the harbour. My shoulders were a bit sore but not as bad as last week. Yes, I did again swear I would not be doing that again.
By now the Wives and Kid had arrived so it was off up the cliffs for a piknik and just relax, contemplating my goal. Finally headed out for a long walk and then back to the Hotels for the night.
Sunday Arrived and Guess where I went------------------------to the beach at 0830 slapped on loads of suncream and vaseline and then off for another 6 hour swim with Pygmy hippo in for 2. Today I was swimming with Greg Wood, another Aspiring Channel swimmer. This time I managed to keep up with him for the first 4 hours, he then suggested that in our 5th hour we sprint for a length. Having done loads of Pool training this is a fairly common request by coaches up and down the land, the only difference is, the pool, in most cases is only 25m long, not 1175m long. Well Greg pulled away from me in the beginning but I hauled him back in and we managed to shave about 4 minutes off our time to do one length and most proabably a couple of years off my life as well.
We arrived for our final feed on the beach and Gregs' brother Alex joined us as well as the Pygmy hippo. The Wood Brothers left me and my brother to take it really easy as my shoulders were seizing up The Pygmy hippo suggested that we swim to the wall then go in and was shouted at by me, complaining, I am not spending any more time than I absolutely have to in the harbour.
Then, according to my wife, Rachelle, at precisely 1500 Hrs, about 18 swimmers from all over the harbour arrive on the beach in unison not wanting to spend a minute more then they have to in the water.
By now a good Friend Audra had joined the wives so we all went for a late lunch then a nice 2 hour hike along the cliffs of Dover, A really amazing way to finish off an absolutely mindblowing weekend.
A HUGE thank you to all the shore team, I even managed to stay on the right side of Freda this week, there is a first for everything.
Zimhippo Signing off until next time
Monday, 21 July 2008
A gruelling weekend in Dover
Have just had the most tiring, amazing, emotional weekend in Dover. On Saturday morning at 0700 Hrs I bundled my wife and my kit into the car and headed for Dover for what I thought would be an fairly easy training weekend as My swim is still about 9 weeks away. Upon arrival, the rain had arrived and it was terrible whether so my wife opened her eyes looked at the weather and say good bye to me and fell asleep again.
I headed for the beach and Freda gave me the opportunity to do a 7 hour swim, I was a bit distressed as I hadn't trained for a week but agreed anyway. In the water at 0900 Hrs Swim for 2 hours then in for a feed, the weather getting better all the time, this played on my mind as I had not put any sunscreen on my back. I also got attacked by a seagull as I had a chocolate bar which I carried with me and was snacking on it,holding it above the water whilst treading water with my other hand and feet and this Bloody bird came to try and steal it from me, now there is a way to really piss off and aspiring channel swimmer. The feed interval was every hour until 1500 Hrs then back in for the final hour, I only did another 30 minutes then snuck out of the ocean undetected as the ever watchful eyes of Freda had disappeared for a nature break. She got back to see me on the beach and I got an earful, all in gest. The great thing is I had done my 6 hour qualifying swim - about 22km
I left the beach swearing blind that I would not be swimming the next day, went for a great walk on the cliffs with my lovely wife/bank account damager/taxi driver ( she loves these Dover trips I swim while she shops.) This followed by a dinner with some other Channel swimmers, The king of the channel (Kevin murphy) and his wife included and Rachelle was picking their brains on feeding techniques and the ever present question WHY DO WE DO IT??? In Kevins case WHY 34 times. This was followed by a walk along the beach and then back to the hotel where we bumped into another International Channel swimmer, Stanley Paris, who is due to do his crossing this week, and at 71 will be the oldest person to do it. I SAY GO FOR IT STANLEY.
Sunday and guess what, I trudged off to the beach to go swimming again. Today the weather was greatly improved and it was fairly calm. I was given another 6 hour swim. With the way my shoulders and arms were feeling I thought Freda was being a bit optimistic. She did however state that she wanted me to swim it so that if the opportunity arose to move my swim forward then I would be ready.
Well same story at least this time I put sunscreen on as I was sporting an amazing Tan on my head and burnt back from the day before. Swim for 2 hrs then feed then feed every hour, until you are allowed out, I say allowed because after two hours I was pissed off and wanted to get out but the shore team coaxed me back in every time and then 5 hours and 55 minutes after I set off I decided I had had enough and headed for shore only to be shouted at again and told my 6 hours was not up yet and the shore team were not entertaining any arguement so I headed out to sea for another 2 and a half minutes before turning around and heading in.
All in all a great weekend for me and a milestone in my life so far.For those who know me, who would have ever beleived that I would one day be attempting a Channel swim. For anyone out there who might beleive that they could never accomplish something like this I would say Just make a decision to do something like this, you will be truly amazed at what your body and mind can do once you set the wheels in motion, a year ago I was completely unfit, my body suffering from 10 years of general abuse and now at 33 I am the fittest, and fattest (have you ever seen a slim whale?)I have ever been. The one thing I am really proud of is the fact that I have not touched any supplements, vitamins or pain killers and Long may this continue.
Till next time Zimhippo signing off
Thursday, 17 July 2008
OK Stop being lazy and get back in the pool or ocean
Well I woke up on the morning I had to go to the doctor and the growth had fallen off and it felt fine. I went anyway as I have a similar growth (subsequently I have learnt they are called skin flaps) under the other arm. I was told it was nothing to worry about and book myself in for minor surgery which I did. Thanks to the NHS I was able to book for the 22nd of November, doesn't really help me as my swim is in September. I will just leave nature to take its course and if it starts chaffing hopefully it will fall off on its own or I go down the DIY route. I think for now I will opt for the former.
On that note, I now have no excuse not to train so I will be back in the pool tonight to do a couple of hundred lengths and then it is either Dover for the weekend or the lakes again.
Apart from these small little growths I am in fine form, have no issues with my Shoulders, wrists, any other parts of my body, people would argue about my sanity though! I am not using any supplements or vitamins yet but that may change soon and my fundraising is going pretty well to date, Long may it last.
I would like to extend a huge congratulations to all the channel swimmers who have already done their swims either successfully or unsucessfully, I admire you all and can't wait to become one of the group.
Till next time
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Back from Dover AGAIN
Hi all. Just got back from a fairly tiring weekend in Dover, had two good swims which I managed to finish. Yesterday It was suggested that I went out and did a 5 hour swim so we waded into the Ocean and there was a seal that was mooching about in the harbour, I think it looked at us lot and thought I am getting out of here so it left us to our swims. The weather was fairly good with the wind and the waves being manageable.
I stepped out after 5 hours with my mouth tasting foul, my shoulders feeling like they were on fire and thought there is no way I am doing this tomorrow again.
Anyway after a good nap and then a lovely walk along the white cliffs of dover where you have a great chance to see the Cap Gris Nez (that is the point of France where I will be aiming to set foot after my swim). It looks deceptively close on a clear day but rumour has it that it is about 15 hours of swimming. I then went for a drive and another walk in the country with My ever suffering wife Rachelle, we headed into Dover for the Chinese all you can eat.
Well, you guessed it, Sunday I woke up and ended up at the beach again for another onslaught of swimming. Today i got off lightly as my task for the day was to swim 4 hours. Luckily, I got out just before there was a torrential downpour which I missed as I was stuffing my face at a resturant nearby.
Well, all in all a good weekend, This week back to the Swimming pool to do some set training, Will be there tomorrow with My masters class.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Time is Ticking away
Back again for another installment. Last weekend I was down in Dover and Managed to do a 5 hour swim which I worked out to be about 16 - 17km, I was really pleased with myself as, surprisingly it seems to be getting easier, this time I was clever, I arrived early as there were no accidents on the way down to Dover. this gave me the opportunity to do some very important preparations like, Putting sunscreen on. My wife and work colleagues thought I looked hilarious sporting my new Long distance swimmers tan from last week.
The other major preparation that I was able to do was shave, I made this schoolboys mistake the previous weekend and ended up with a nice hole in my shoulder where my stubble had rubbed away all the skin on my one shoulder when I breathed. I also had some pretty impressive chaffing on my neck, it looked a lot like I had had some blood sucker attahed to the back of my neck and no, it was not my wife! sadly. I also put loads of lube on so I was fortunate to escape the pains of reboring the hole in my shoulder.
Well, I will be down in Dover again this weekend and the whether looks to be a bit overcast and maybe the water will be rough so I will jump into the washing machine again and see how I fair this time.
The season has started and there have already been a few solo crossing but there have been a fair amount of relays and it looks as though Oxford relay team beat Cambridge this time round, well done to both teams.