Went down to Dover this last weekend and it was interesting to say the least, not discounting the 30minutes sitting in traffic a mere 5 miles outside Dover thanks to a lorry fire. Thus I arrived late, got to the beach and was issued my mission for the day, hould I choose to accept it!!! and no Freda did not self distruct 5 seconds thereafter.
Being away for three weeks - my how things have changed, I was issued 5, I thought, that's not too bad, Freda must be feeling generous today!!! The thing that had changed since I was last down there is they no longer get given their tasks in laps of the harbour, IT IS NOW HOURS!!!!!!! So 5 hours it was.
I subsequently applied vaseline to the usual places, sparingly as, I hadn't suffered from chaffing in the last couple of times. I then ventured into the lovely cold water of the harbour. After two and a half hours I came in for my first feed, at this point I was fine, physically, after about another 15 inutes I discovered How this game is 80% mental and 20% physical because the boredom started setting in and from then on I was counting the minutes to the next feed at about 3 hours 30min where I got a choclate as well as turbo juice. I have never had a choclate that tasted so good in my life! AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE THE STUFF. I managed to finish but I need to figure out what to do with my Mind or else I will go mad. Sorry - I already am for doing this.
After this my shoulders were on fire, I now dicovered the reason for a good shave before as my one shoulder was nearly raw from my stubble and breathing. The back of my neck was also slightly chaffed.

Arrived early on Sunday and the weather was not great but we swam anyway, I was given another 5 hours stint and as the weather was overcast and a bit drizzly, I applied vaseline and the suncream, sadly not on my face and very sparingly everywhere else. This was a bad mistake!! The clouds went and the sun came out and the wind picked up.
Fancy tan hey!!
Anyway due to this and also the boredom setting in again, I only managed to do about 3 and a half hours and then decided to call it a day as if I had satyed in much longer you wouldn't be able to see my face as it would have blended in with my shirt too well.
All in all it was a good weekend, I learnt a huge amount and yes I haven't pulled out of this yet. I have however been asked to do an Ironman Triathlon next year and I think I may have to give it a pass. Until the next time